Saturday, August 04, 2007

Brutalized in Boston

Walt Lockley reinforces his passionate analysis of the Boston City Hall building's brutal consequences for public life with a set of appropriately harsh black and white photographs.


Danny Mittleman said...

So tell me, when the brutal architecture movement surfaced in the 1960s, what were they thinking? How could they possibly have thought this form would add to urban life?

John Monberg said...

In the same way that architect Adolf Loos condemned the ornate Beaux Arts style of 1900 Vienna as a dishonest facade that hid the world's madness, Brutalism was a utopian project toward honesty, simple materials and a forceful rejection of the dead cultural past.

But in a familiar dynamic, the absolute rejection of one kind of theoretical modernism created another kind of urban form that is every bit as ugly and lifeless as what was rejected.